Michael Griffin
Exec Managing Dir for Housing, Grow America (Black Sponsor)
Michael Griffin is the Executive Managing Director of Affordable Housing at Grow America.
Mike Griffin is the Fund Manager and Director of Investor Relations for Grow America’s Corporate Equity Fund. He joined the organization in April of 2014. In this role he is responsible for all aspects of the Fund, including for maintaining and establishing relationships with corporate investors with the objective of raising capital that the fund invests in affordable housing projects across the country. In addition he oversees the acquisitions and asset management functions.
Prior to Grow America Mike was the Senior Vice President and Director of KeyBank’s Community Development Banking group, with responsibility for Corporate CRA Compliance and Community Development Asset Management.
Mike joined Key in April 1998 as Asset Manager for the bank’s portfolio of community development investments. The portfolio is currently $1.6 billion of investments targeted to Key’s fourteen footprint states.
In addition to Asset Management responsibilities he was appointed National CRA Compliance Manager in 2003. The directed the bank’s last three CRA exams, the most recent resulting in the bank’s 8th consecutive Outstanding rating. In the CRA role, Mike focused on building partnerships, both at the corporate level and in the 22 KeyBank districts. Mike also had a lead role in responding to community groups and shaping KeyBank positions in response to community concerns.